Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some stuff while I work ...

everyone on the Internets.
Today I'm throwing up a few drawing I've laying around. Working on my book and other things,so no time to upload anything new. Hope you like what you see.

Images: Girl on bed(B/W wash pre-lim) PowerGirl,Devil Dinosaur Spring Fling#1(pencil/inks)last pg,Lady Death trading card pencils.


1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Im Torace the Artman. I met you this year at Dragoncon, and saw you schooling some dudes about illustration and comic books. From what I see, you know your stuff and should become an instructor. I enjoyed looking at your work, and hope to see more stuff in the future. Drop me a line at ileers2004@yahoo.com if you care to.
